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Model Identification.jpg (9189 bytes)
   We offer two different dating methods for your Karmann Ghia
by chassis number or by engine number
Chassis numbers
Year  Starting Chassis #
1956 929746
1957 1060929
1958 1600440
1959 1774680
1960 2528668
1961 3192507
1962 4010995
1963 4846836
1964 5677119
1965 145000001
1966 146000001
1967 147000001
1968 148000001
1969 149000001
1970 1402000001
1971 1412000001
1972 1422000001
1973 1432000001
1974 1442000001
Engine numbers
Year Notes from Engine # to Engine # Engine size
1956 -- 1120615 1678208 1200cc - 36hp
1957 -- 1678209 1937449 1200cc - 36hp
1958 -- 1937450 2156321 1200cc - 36hp
1959 -- 2156322 3072319 1200cc - 36hp
1960 -- 3072320 3912903 1200cc - 36hp
1961 -- 3912904 3924022 1200cc - 40hp
1962 -- 3924023 3942914 1200cc - 40hp
1963 -- 3942915 3959303 1200cc-40hp
1964 -- 3959304 3972440 1200cc - 40hp
1965 -- 3972441 4050000 1200cc - 40hp
1966 -- F000001 F0940716 1300
1967 -- H0204001 H0874199 1500
1968 -- H5000001 H5414585 1500
1969 -- H5414586 H5900000 1500
1970 -- B6000001 B6600000 1600
1971 -- AE0000001 AE0558000 1600
1972 Manual AE0558001 AE0917263 1600
1972 CA only AH0000001 AH0005900 1600
1973 Manual (8/72-10/72) AE0917264 AE1000000 1600
1973 Manual (10/72-7/73) AK0000001 AK0239364 1600
1973 Manual - CA only AH0033404 AH0101888 1600
1973 Autostick AH0114419 AH0500000 1600
1974 Manual AK0239365 AK0239493 1600
1974 Manual - CA only AH0101889 AH0500000 1600
1974 Autostick AH0114419 AH0500000 1600
 - Due to the possibility that your engine may not be original, you car cannot be dated strictly by the engine number.
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