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Model Identification.jpg (9189 bytes)

We offer two different dating methods for your Type 2.
by chassis number or by engine number

Chassis numbers
Year from Chassis # to Chassis #
1950 0001 8112
1951 8113 20-035111
1952 20-035112 20-047101
1953 20-047102 20-069408
1954 20-069409 20-117901
1955 20-117902 20-160715
1956 20-160716 228216
1957 223217 315208
1958 315209 374810
1959 374811 469505
1960 469506 614455
1961 614456 802958
1962 802986 971549
1963 971550 1144281
1964 1144282 1328871
1965 215000001 215036651
1966 216000001 216100000
1967 217000001 217148458
1968 218000001 218220000
1969 219000001 219300000
1970 2102000001 2102300000
1971 2112000001 2112300000
1972 2122000001 2122300000
1973 2132000001 2132300000
1974 2142000001 2142094429
1975 2152000001 2152300000
1976 2162000001 2162300000
1977 2172000001 2172300000
1978 2182000001 2182300000
1979 2192000001 2192300000
Engine numbers*
Year from Engine # to Engine # engine size
1955 20991590 201277346 1200cc (36hp)
1956 201277347 1678209 1200cc (36hp)
1957 1678210 2156320 1200cc (36hp)
1958 2156321 2213922 1200cc (36hp)
1959 2215923 3399999 1200cc (36hp)
1960 3400000 5000000 1200cc (40hp)
1961 5000001 5979933 1200cc (40hp)
1962 5979934 6914250 1200cc (40hp)
1963 6914251 7816340 1200cc (40hp)
1963 143543 578544 1500cc
1964 7816314 8785397 1200cc (40hp)
1964 578878 713767 1500cc
1965 8785398 8964999 1200cc (40hp)
1965 713768 1100000 1500cc
1966 H0000001 H0183372 1500cc
1967 H0183373 H0761324 1500cc
1968 B5000000 B5050173 1600cc
1969 B5050174 B5116436 1600cc
1970 B5116437 B5230000 1600cc
1971 AE0000001 AE0529815 1600cc
1972 CB0000001 CB0060640 1700cc
1973 CB0060641 CB0101138 1700cc
1974 Manual non-CA CD0008723 CD0011000 1700cc
1974 Automatic non-CA AW0000001 AW0037000 1800cc
1974 California ED0000001 ED0000639 1800cc
1975 ED0000640 ED0025000 1800cc
1976 GD0000001 GD0027786 2000cc
1977 GD0027787 GD0027786 2000cc
1978 GE0007083 GE0039331 2000cc
1979 GE0039332 GE0058786 2000cc
* - Due to the possibility that your engine may not be original, you car cannot be dated strictly by the engine number. We do not currently have the engine numbers for the 1950-1954 model years. Please note also that from 1963-1965 both the 40hp 1200cc and the 1500cc were offered.
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