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Engine Displacement Charts

Engine displacement is calculated by the formula bore x bore x stroke x .0031416. Bore is your piston size and stroke is your crankshaft size. VW would round engines sizes up to the next 100cm mark, so both the 1131cc 25hp and 1192cc 36hp (and the 1192cc 40hp for that matter) were referred to as 1200cc engines, 1285cc was 1300cc, 1493cc was 1500cc, and 1585cc was 1600cc. Aftermarket sizes are more exact. Original stock sizes are highlighted in blue.

Engine Displacement Chart - Type 1
Stroke   70 75 77 83 85.5 87 88 90.5 92 94
64 985 1131 1192 1385 1470 1522 1557 1647 1702 1777
69 1062 1219 1285 1493 1585 1641 1679 1776 1835 1915
74 1139 1308 1378 1602 1699 1760 1800 1904 1968 2054
76     1415 1644 1745 1806 1848 1956 2021 2110
78 1201 1378 1453 1688 1791 1855 1898 2007 2074 2165
82       1775 1883 1950 1995 2110 2180 2276
84 1293 1484 1565 1818 1929 1997 2044 2161 2234 2332
86 1324 1520 1602 1861 1975 2045 2092 2213 2287 2387
88 1355 1555 1639 1905 2021 2093 2141 2264 2340 2443
90 1385 1590 1676 1948 2067 2140 2190 2316 2393 2498

Engine Displacement Chart - Type 4

Stroke   90 93 94 96 103 104
66 1679 1793 1832 1911 2200 2243
71 1807 1929 1971 2056 2366 2411
78 1985 2119 2165 2258 2600 2650
80 2036 2174 2221 2316 2666 2718
82 2087 2228 2276 2374 2733 2786
84 2138 2282 2332 2432 2800 2854

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