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Oil Cooler Seals
Part #021117151A

Applications :
Beetle 1971-1977
Super Beetle 1971-1979

Type 2 1971-1979
Type 4 1971-1974
Karmann Ghia 1971-1974
or any applications that are running a dual port engine
Country of Origin - Germany
Brand Manufacturer - Elring

Our Price : $.75 each


Stock Availability
In Stock
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tech notes:
This seal is 10mm on each side. They are used on upright engines with 10mm oil galleries and all Type 4 cases. On upright engines with a doghouse oil cooler, there are two in between the case and the oil cooler adapter, and two between the adapter and the oil cooler. On Type 4 cases, there are two between the case and the cooler. If you are running a doghouse oil cooler on an earlier 8mm case or and earlier case with a revised large gallery early cooler, please see our tech section for an explanation of which oil cooler seals you'll need.
detailed description:
Seals oil cooler to the case. Quantity required varies by application. Sold individually.
quality issues:
None noted.
alternate part numbers:




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